all postcodes in YO26 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO26 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO26 5AA 0 53.951756 -1.143763
YO26 5AB 0 53.953657 -1.145721
YO26 5AD 0 53.95534 -1.143507
YO26 5AE 0 53.955576 -1.138785
YO26 5AF 0 53.955141 -1.142033
YO26 5AG 0 53.955156 -1.137796
YO26 5AH 0 53.953644 -1.145066
YO26 5AJ 0 53.951714 -1.142941
YO26 5AL 0 53.950895 -1.142775
YO26 5AN 0 53.952086 -1.140983
YO26 5AP 0 53.954249 -1.139208
YO26 5AQ 0 53.954951 -1.141808
YO26 5AR 0 53.954978 -1.1394
YO26 5AT 0 53.952758 -1.141869
YO26 5AU 0 53.952434 -1.141799
YO26 5AW 0 53.95202 -1.140436
YO26 5AX 0 53.952064 -1.14167
YO26 5AY 0 53.952733 -1.143454
YO26 5AZ 0 53.953004 -1.142321
YO26 5BA 0 53.953282 -1.142239